Saturday, June 27, 2009

Recap on our Stay in KK

Our stay in Kota Kinabalu has been a good opportunity for the infinity crew to continue working on the boat to keep it always more ready for the expedition and the south pacific seas. The previous week at sea from Singapore, with brand new sails, had brought up a couple of technical issues across the boat that needed to be worked upon, which added to our existing list of "Things to Fix".

However, our stay in Kota Kinabalu has also been a good opportunity for all of us to take some time off the boat and explore the surroundings. Even Tara and Ruben's home schooling was brought to the Kota Kinabalu Mount forest for a short while, Phil being a very enthusiastic and passionate teacher.

After a week ashore, off we went again, leaving with the rain, under a psychedelic sky. Motoring to the fueling dock as we left, the keel touched the black muddy sand, which grounded us for a while. The channel? It was not indicated, all the locals knew it. A few minutes later, and about ten small fishing boats were already buzzing around us like demented insects, rescuing us, or at least trying to. It is only after we got pulled by a bigger fishing boat that we got out of the black waters, not very proud, but happy. A rather intense start of a journey for Gavin, Andy, Josh and Yang, who had joined the Infinity Sea Tribe in KK.

Fueling went rather smoothly, tuning to a blue, grey and yellow sunset. The night saw us leave, and the shifts started regulating our routine again.


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