Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Pit stop in Truk
We ended up motoring to Truk due to unfavorable gusty winds which tested our sails workmanship and unfortunately ended with the tearing of the baton sleeves. ready to work on the maintenance of the boat including sewing the baton sleeves all the crew put in three long hot days of work (quite a difference to our day to day activities!)

We amused ourself or perhaps were entertained by skits and ballerina dances. We have also learned and sea tribe song and dance that we plan to share with the upcoming villages.

Truk (formaly known as Chuuk) is home to some of the best wrek diving in the the World. The Japanese occupied the territory during WWII was bombed heavily by the US sinking 60 plus war vessels 65 years ago. The majority of the wreks are great condition and plays habitat to various sea critters. The first highlight of the trip (for me) was a tour of Thorfin a fully functional steam powered vessel! The engine room was three floors high! Thorfin provides accommodation (live aboard) during scuba diving trips. The second highlight was diving the wrecks seeing small japanese fight pilot planes in side of a large carrier ship or fully intact interiors of the vessels including galleys with dishes and utensils.

Our next stop is any small Islands along the way to Pohnpei.

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