Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3 days Gone By

It's been three days since i'm on board. I found a new family, infinity feels like home and is full of wonderful people. Not a replacement family because mine is amazing. Just an extra family that confirms how lucky i am on the whole.
Since there are many, i will try to explain the pictures bellow from bottom-up, so as to give you a sense of what days have been so far on board through my eyes - although this is just a very little piece of it.

I arrived from the airport by taxi, got dropped on the beach with my bag and saw the yellow dingy coming towards me with Phil and Steph on board, it was magical. I was euphoric, outburst of joy on the inside that refused to keep my smiling lips to rest. I quickly got rid of my pants as the dingy approached. Phil threw reef shoes in the water for me not to slice my feet on corals, Steph already ashore to help me get my bags in, and before i could realize, i was on board, with a warm masala chai welcome handed to me by Gyan and supported by everyone's just woken-up smiles. Home sweet home.

Learning is the core of each day on board, there is so much to do to prepare the boat and the crew's enthusiasm and talent seems to be something that we'll never run out of. Beside music, dingy driving, yoga, synchronized swimming lesson and much more, there is the boat work as such, with everyone working together in a joyous harmony of some sort. Lots of big muscles ready to be challenged with heavy drilling tasks. There are people hanging from different parts of the boat, underground workers in the intriguing fournace of the machine room, and more.

Entire days of work on which the night falls as a celebration of peace, calm, cosyness and of course night swims for the braves. Ghosts stories also belong to the night, thanks to Ruben, the little pirate on board. He's such a creative kid (as well as his sister, Tara, whom i only met yesterday), his mind overflowing with stories of cats that look like sharks and dragons with sails on their backs.

With people working on all parts of the boat, rooming on the deck also means the possibility to find a head, arm, hand, whatever, popping out from the most surprising places.

I also aught to mention the patience of Phil, working on the winches since 4 weeks, taking them apart, one piece at a time, cleaning them, cleaning them more, and fixing them back (he's of course being helped by other crew members, but he is really a winch king for sure). And Clemens, doing some dangerous mass preparation along with David an a Thai worker yesterday (or was it day before? i already lost track of the days and chronological succession of events and i could not care more).

And while all this happens on board, the life goes on with yummy meals, breakfast navigation classes, and Ruben's stories and amazing drawings, with sailing vessels being pulled by fishes and propelled by kites and other powerful rockets.

I can't be thankful enough for all this, to Clemens for sharing his dream, to the crew's energy and creativity.


  1. Merci Sophie for the picturesque post! How was your lunch of rice tuna salad? A bientôt!

  2. hey Yang, can't wait to meet you! come back soon!!
