Sunday, May 3, 2009

We are getting there

Hello all, this is Sheridan. I have been on this amazing boat 3 weeks today and it was the first day i awoke to rain and a bearable temperature. This may sound bad but after a full night on town to celebrate the new sails and the progress of work, it was an amazing blessing. During the night we were introduced to Bowie's "rubber legs" dance moves and Gyan showed us all the proper way to dance with some passion in it. The fun of the night made work today start a bit later then usual but we still managed to get another major project started. The lingering promise of setting sail is enough motivation to get everyone up and working even on little sleep.

Tonight we celebrate the arrival of a new crew member, Sophia, with homemade pizza and a bit of wine. So far the crew that has been asembeled is amazing and we are quickly becoming a close family, im sure Sophie will fit right in and feel at home as well.

Later this week hopefully we will bring news of the progess of the masts and have a firm date set to begin sailing to Singapore!!!


  1. Bowie's "Rubber Legs" lol. Not the only thing he is known for.

  2. Yes this is for sheridan, I learned of Mike's where abouts through his Brother and Sister, and I am eager to follow him on his journey, I wish all you aboard a safe trip as you venture out on this beautiful boat in the big open sea's, and please keep posting pictures as you may. You are blessed by this good person, he is outgoing and a hard worker and will do your ship fine, good luck indeed to all aboard, I will keep watching.

  3. Sheridan!!! We miss you in Europe my friend. Just doesn't seem the same without you here. People ask about you daily, we just tell them that you've joined a cult. Too funny! Glad to hear you're doing well. If you're still floating in November... chances are, I'll meet you in Hawaii. Unless Something crazy happens. I have to catch up with you about my trip to London. Dude, you would have died, Vinita has so much music! Seriously her collection rivals that of any record shop that I've ever been to. I'm not joking, 7" vinyl and CD's falling out of the cupboards when you would go to get cereal... Nothing short of heaven for people like us! Sorry for chatting up the comment box, I'll send you a proper e-mail in a little.
    P.S. No luck with Skype on your phone?
